The culture of permissiveness when it comes to abuse perpetrated by the rich and powerful is endemic to the United Kingdom, where Royals, financiers, industry titans and TV celebrities – among other privileged castes – go around causing harm unimpeded.
It is now reported that one of the world’s most celebrated financiers, the late Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, has been accused of widespread abuse of women who worked for him.
The Guardian reported:
“The claims against De Rothschild, two years after his death, come from several women who said they felt unable to raise their concerns while he was still alive, because of his position within the bank and the British establishment. They spoke to the Guardian on condition of anonymity. Among the allegations are that he seriously sexually assaulted and harassed several women in the mid and late 1990s when they worked for NM Rothschild.”

‘Totalitarian’ De Rothschild was autocratic and feared. A financial adviser to the late Queen Elizabeth, he was knighted in 1989.
De Rothschild, who died aged 91, was chair of NM Rothschild for more than 20 years. A member of one of the most famous dynasties in global banking, he spent 44 years working within Rothschild banking empire, comprised of a complex range of wealth advisory and investment banking services.
“According to sources who spoke to the Guardian, he used his office within NM Rothschild, a stone’s throw from the Bank of England in the City of London, to force himself upon women over several years. More than eight sources, some with direct experience of events, described incidents dating from the mid and late 1990s. However, multiple sources claimed that this kind of misconduct by De Rothschild went unchecked for decades.”
Sir Evelyn allegedly chose someone from the junior staff and showed them differentiated attention before moving on them.
“The claims include serious sexual assaults. One included a violent assault of a member of staff when she was a young woman working for him. Another allegation is that he put his hands down a different woman’s top and under her underwear to grope her. And a third woman claimed she was forced to perform a sex act on him while he sat on his desk.”

Read: Maduro’s Venezuela Hires the Rothschilds To Help Restructure Its Foreign Debt
Lawyers acting for Rothschild & Co declined to discuss any misconduct allegations by Sir Evelyn, saying only that an ‘initial review of their records’ yielded ‘nothing’.
“Sources claimed De Rothschild would encourage women to think he could help with their careers, presenting himself as a potential sponsor or advocate in financial services. He would then request that they attend in his office on the presence of a task or work-related conversation before harassing or assaulting them, it is alleged.”
If an alleged victim expressed concerns about the powerful man’s actions to members of staff, they would be terminated, often with payouts.
“’He would ask questions aimed at finding out if you were well connected. If you weren’t, then I think you were more likely to be regarded as fair game’, one woman claimed. A different source alleged: ‘It was his kingdom and he enjoyed a sort of absolute rule, people knew about payouts and saw staff who all looked the same being churned through’.”
Read more:
Archbishop Vigano: “Vaccine Victims are Sacrificed at the Altar of Moloch” (VIDEO)
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