The Legacy Media now has their first “Gotcha” moment, or so they think, on the Trump #47 Team.
If this is their first “Gotcha” moment, it’s on the “Very Lame” end of the “Gotcha” spectrum.
The Democrats are striving for high school drama trophies as they feign outrage from prepared talking points. They have no idea what they are talking about, but like a seasoned European soccer star, they are not missing the opportunity to fall on the ground and pretend they’ve been injured in the hopes of receiving a Yellow or Red Card.
Good luck with that.
I look at this matter from a technical perspective dosed generously with reality and experience. Here are some of my initial thoughts on the matter.
The Obama Team, not just Hillary, engaged in a pervasive, intentional campaign to use alternative forms of communication such as personal email, texting between personal phones, and even approved U.S. Government instant messaging of the era (this was in the 2009 – 2015 time period) to intentionally and willfully evade being memorialized in accordance with the Federal Records Act.
The revelation of the Hillary saga forced my team to go through an update to Department of Defense Instruction 8170.01 and related Directive-Type Memorandum (for those policy wonks who revel in the opportunity to roll around in DOD Directives and Instructions).
When the Obama Team realized they had a mess at Benghazi and that Americans died, instead of accountability and transparency, they created the lie of some supposedly anti-Islamic film as the real villain. In other words, instead of accepting responsibility, they lied through a fraudulent cover story they made up on the fly.
The Obama/Hillary/ Biden/Kamala Committee use of non-traditional comms and the Benghazi cover-up was a massive, intentional, RICO Criminal Conspiracy.
The Signal asterisk was an “Oopsie” at its worst after a successful operation.
Jeff Goldberg, The Editor of the Atlantic, has very low credibility. He was the creator of the “Suckers and Losers” Hoax. He hasn’t, that I can find, actually released the entire chain of screenshots or verbatim content in their unaltered entirety.
We’re just supposed to take Goldberg’s description of the gravity of the situation.
From the screen shots I’ve seen, the content of the Signal messaging does not reach the threshold of a spill of classified information. It shows an engaged, professional team, making things happen in a real time basis, without revealing state secrets.
One Member of Congress shouted at a Congressional hearing that he used Signal, but not for “Targeting Information.”
Targeting Information would include exact and precise information such as which room of which building, by name who was being targeted, exact ordnance used, corroborated effects, and so on. Vague generalities are not “Targeting Information.”
One released blurb began to creep in the direction of the guardrail, “The first target — their top missile guy — we had positive ID of him walking into his girlfriend’s building and it’s now collapsed.” However, this is still too generalized to be of much use. The fact that the U.S. Military was hitting an unspecified structure in Yemen is not classified Targeting Information, especially after the fact.
Per Norm Eisen and his 2009 Executive Order on handling classified information (Eisen is the crazed Blue political hack who just lost his security clearance), who is the ultimate judge and arbitrator on Classified Information?
That’s right – it is the current President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, so put a sock in it Norm. The Atlantic is the flagship journal of the Swamp, along with Deep State blogs such as “The Cipher Brief” and USAID funded “Politico”. The Atlantic is a dying rag and no one but partisans wait, panting for their next fix of “The Atlantic”.
Goldberg uses the term “War Plans.” For those who have actually been involved in the Joint Operation Planning and Execution System (JOPES (or the newer JPES)), from Goldberg’s description, these were not Level I-IV, Numbered Contingency Plans such as 1003 or 5027 that were shared, these were senior leader blurbs about an operation in progress. Were the releases something that could be immediately exploited by the Houthis, Iran, or China to put Americans at risk? Unlikely.
Goldberg is a partisan reporter with a poor track record who came across some information and is looking through a dirty and foggy window he’s never been part of and is giving his jaded characterization of what he thinks he is seeing (or wants to see). Goldberg wouldn’t know a Level IV, fully populated CONPLAN 3400 if it landed on his head. That is, unless it had “Republican” or “Trump” on the cover.
Was this information released before or after the very precise target being serviced? This is important. General McChrystal has, on many public occasions, given the details of his extraordinary High Value Targeting process. He was asked on several occasions what would happen if his targeting information got out?
His response was the same every time, if it got out after the target was serviced, he couldn’t care less, he was was already 10 miles down the road into his 5th follow on target. Translation: the modern operational imperative is the velocity of the operation, in other words always ensure that you are 10 steps ahead of the opponent. If the enemy discovers some of your mouse turds later, it might be the last thing they do before they are riddled with lead or go to pieces.
Was Signal in front of or behind the DOD / US Government Firewall? I don’t know at this time, I’m now outside the veil. Plenty of commercial apps are selected for use behind the firewall. At the Unclassified Level of networks, it can be behind the firewall, and still have the ability to reach out to non-U.S. Government Network contacts.
Was Signal in front of the firewall and being used because of a lack of trust of messaging behind the firewall? All I will say, presume breach at all times, including communications on higher level networks behind the firewall.
Are there more “Vindman Brothers” inside the government, ready to leak?
Absolutely. And this might reflect on concern from the Trump Team that “trusted” messaging is being seen by “untrusted” insiders who can hardly wait to be the next Vindman Brothers or Eric Ciaramellas. We’ve been down this road before.
This episode, at worst, was an “Oopsie”, not a criminal, RICO Conspiracy to bypass law like the Obama/Biden/Harris/Unidentified Committee of Deep State Staffers have been doing for years.
And now for the real question:
Why was Jeff Goldberg’s Telephone Number for Signal in any Administration Member’s Contact Listing?
Contact listings are complex data sets that can become corrupted. The larger a contact listing and the more platforms it is used across by the same user, the more likely data can become corrupted and altered by the competing/technically squabbling platforms. Names and contact information can be added that were not intended to be added or names can start to be associated with telephone numbers that are incorrect.
Perhaps a foreign power was able to insert Goldberg’s Telephone Number to stick it to us. Therefore, even on the matter of Goldberg’s information being in the contact list of any right-thinking, MAGA personality, I grant grace on this topic. As has the lawful authority, President Trump.
If the out of power Left is choosing to die on this hill, they need to pace themselves, they have a lot more hills they will be dying upon.
All viewpoints are personal and do not reflect the viewpoints of any organization.
The post Signal Messaging Non-Imbroglio appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.